
It is unfortunate that we do not understand the Lord at all in His Commandment “Thou shalt not kill!”

Erroneously and narrowly too, we believe that once we do not commit physical murder or kill a human being, we have not violated this Commandment. And on the basis of this wrong interpretation, we strut about as faithful keepers of this serious Commandment of our God.

But this Commandment is clear. It is all embracing, non-restrictive and cosmopolitan. It is not limited alone to physical murder, as we erroneously believed. Our understanding of this sacred Commandment as of the Nine Others, is empty, lifeless, and absolutely wrong. And this is so sad. This emptiness, apart from other evil motives has been the basis of our actions for millennia, and is still the foundation of our deeds today.

Physical murder is just an aspect and not all about this weighty Commandment. Physical murder in whatever form, and for whatever reason, whether it is approved by the state or not, is a clear and an open transgression of the Holy and Supreme Will of God, as expressed in this Commandment. No human being has the right over the life of another, a life which in the first instance, he did not give.

Life belongs only to God. Exclusively! He alone is Life. He alone, absolutely and unquestionably, determines when to give or take life. His breath alone pumped life into man, sustains him and permits him an experiencing through His wonderful Creation.

We must know that the earthly man is the smallest ramification of his species. And it is this smallest part of one of the various species of Creation that now wantonly arrogates to himself the power to terminate life. It is this speck of dust that now usurps the sacred right of the Almighty Creator to take life. It is this insignificant creature that now places himself above the Almighty Father, and decides on his own to deprive his neighbour of life.

Accursed are all murderers, officials or whatever, for they are enemies of God.

The Holy Commandment “Thou shalt not kill!” also embraces the meaning: “Thou shalt not deaden.” The narrow way which we had hitherto interpreted this Commandment must now change if we wish to live happily and harmoniously on earth as desirable guests in this part of Creation; to whom all blessings will flow unhindered as from a loving father to his obedient children; and whose new way of life will automatically end the chaos and confusion prevailing everywhere on earth.

A deadening means the same thing as killing. How does man deaden or kill and thereby violate this Law? Through imposing our selfish wishes on the other persons or failing some trust reposed in us by the other persons.

At this point, parents especially must be careful about the way we relate with the children entrusted to our care. Each child is an independent human being who is on earth by permission, by the sole, gracious permission of his or her Creator. He or she is here on earth strictly at his or her own request to carry out certain responsibility before the Laws.

Children do not belong to their parents as earthly properties or possessions. They are sacred gifts entrusted to the right parents who will reap reciprocal happiness if they educate and train the children mercifully entrusted to their care in accordance with the Will of God.

Before making his or her entrance on earth, each child was endowed with certain gifts, the development of which will be to the benefit of the child, mankind, the earth and the entire Creation. Thus each child carries within him or herself unique gifts which, in all cases, do not accord with the selfish, lifeless calculations, expectations and ambitions of the parents. And only the child has the natural and right inclination as to which course of study or training will aid the proper development of these innate talents.

What he or she needs from the parents at this critical point are prayerful understanding and loving support, in allowing him or her freedom to follow his or her path unencumbered, and in providing him or her necessary means in accordance with the dictates of this Commandment.

He or she may even feel no natural inclination for a formal course of study which may actually stifle the true development and expression of his peculiar gifts. Thus mankind are deprived of the benefits which the Lord prepares and sends to them through the child. His Wisdom rules the world. He alone endows individuals with gifts for whatever purposes.

Here we as parents must know what it implies when we divert our children, who indeed, are independent human beings entrusted to our care, from their self-chosen paths.

Parents must bear it in mind always that each child is here on earth at the child’s own request and on sacred assignment determined exclusively by his or her weaving, by his or her path or by the Supreme Will of God.

By no means must a particular child be made to follow the path of the other, or that of his or her parents, or another alien one selfishly dictated by the parents. He or she has his or her own path to follow. His or her innate gifts are the natural means which form his or her strong link to his or her helpers and lead him or her to the fulfilment of the Will of his or her Creator.

Same for his or her gifts with which he or she must strive to serve his or her Creator alone as his or her soul stirs. But not the selfish wish of the parents or any other human being or institution for that matter.

Parents who stand in the way of their children or wantonly divert their children’s paths are playing with fire. They stand between these children and their longing, their natural and blessed wishes to serve humanity here on earth with their special or peculiar gifts, and thereby redeem their earlier wrongs in accordance with the loving Holy Will.

Regardless of whatever pretence or justification, this brands such parents as enemies of God. And they will account for their errors, this stubborn transgression of the Divine Law.
This equally applies to parents in relation to their children’s marriages. It is wrong to impose a spouse on one’s child for whatever reason. It is wrong for parents to impose their selfish will here. The child must be left alone to freely choose his or her spouse because marriage is strictly an affair between two consenting adults, male and female.

It is sad that parents often go to the ridiculous extent of providing their marrying children all the comforts of life. Thus parents wrongly spare young couples many enriching personal inner pains, suffering, struggles, silent and open battles and joyful victories, thus real progress all under the guise of “parental love”.

Conversely, a child may deaden the true, selfless and natural hopes of his or her parents after he or she has been allowed to follow the path of his or her choice and given all loving support.

This is by failing to develop his or her gifts as expected to achieve great things. If he or she fails to develop his or her gifts in the proper manner or if he or she “buries his or her talents,” he or she has deadened certain noble intuitions in his or her parents. Thus, he or she is equally guilty of the transgression of the Holy Commandment “Thou shalt not kill!”

Also, any man who disappoints or betrays the true friendship or confidence given him by another man is a murderer. For he kills some noble intuitions in the other. For through his wanton lack of consideration, failure to reciprocate true love, friendship and confidence, he deadens or kills something that is living in the other man, in his neighbour.

Today, we often indulge in careless, damaging and derogatory discussions or remarks about our absent neighbours. At the drop of the hat, we are quick to paint our absent neighbour in dark colours, to damage his or her reputation and destroy the esteem in which he or she is held by others, by the public.

The Commandment “Thou shalt not kill!” extends beyond physical murder. It encompasses moral murder as well.
Any man or woman who thinks, speaks or executes any evil against his or her fellow man is as guilty as a physical murderer. One who betrays the true friendship or confidence repose in him or her by the other man or woman is a murderer. So also that man or woman who spreads falsehood by whatever means, and damages the reputation of his or her neighbour.

Anyone who thinks, speaks or acts in a way that hinders the true progress of his or her fellow man or woman or harms his or her fellow man or woman in whatever form, physical or psychical, is a murderer.

The genuine vibration of the soul, whether of self or of the other man, is sacred, and deserving of honour by all. To disallow this living sacred vibration from expressing itself is to deaden and thus to kill. Man or woman has to guide against this and be a faithful helper, a loyal servant.

The choice is free. But now every man, every woman needs to ask him or herself: ‘’Must I continue in the old that was wrong and is passing away, or must I change, turn truly inwardly and outwardly in repentance and strive earnestly to accord my thoughts, words and deeds to the loving Will of the Lord my God?’’

• The above piece is a personal understanding, drawn from the Explanation to mankind, for the first time ever in history, of the True Meaning of “The Ten Commandments of God” by Abd-ru-shin, the Author of “In the Light of Truth The Grail Message.”


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