If you have been struggling with excess weight for a long time, and never got rid of it, this is the perfect solution for you. Prepare this magic potion made of healthy and natural ingredients in order to reduce your weight.
This beverage will not only help you to get a perfect waistline but it will also improve your overall health.
Ingredients needed:
1 branch of parsley
1 lemon
1 glass of water
Method of preparation:
Chop the parsley into small pieces, you can use blender in order to achieve this. Squeeze the juice of the lemon and, together with the parsley, mix it in a glass of water.
Way of consuming:
You should consume this amazing beverage in the morning on an empty stomach for 5 days straight. Make a 10-day break afterwards.
This drink improves the process of burning calories, but is also nourishes the body with vitamins and minerals. In addition, parsley improves digestion and allows us to quickly get rid of retained fluids in the body, which makes us look fatter than we really are.
Note: Before you start consuming this beverage you should probably consult your doctor first. Source: http://www.healthyfoodhouse.com/