In a world where social media and societal standards often dictate our sense of self-worth, it is all too easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others. We see curated snapshots of lives that seem perfect, filled with possessions and achievements that we believe we lack. However, the true measure of a […]

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*About Calvary, Golgotha, and Easter* by IkeChukwu Unegbe

The season comes around, once again, when many desire to join in the commemoration of the succession of events that led to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ; generally known as Easter!  Very unfortunately, those succession of events leading up to Easter are generally misunderstood or misinterpreted. Yet, for the true Easter to be experienced, […]

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*”WHY ARE WE IN THIS WORLD?”* BY Sola Adeyegbe

Life on Earth can often seem perplexing, especially when we witness the sudden passing of someone who seemed to have it all – education, wealth, fame, and position. We question the meaning of achieving material success only to leave it all behind without fully experiencing its benefits. Perhaps our confusion stems from our narrow perspective, […]

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REFLECTIONS ON WOMANHOOD: Women must change to naturally attract greater respect from men by IkeChukwu Unegbe Esq 

My greatest respect flows towards all women on this special day. May you all be continually empowered to fulfill the grand and noble roles entrusted to womanhood in Creation. You are the bridge and receptacle for all new births and formations. You occupy a higher pedestal in spiritual reckoning than man, because of the enhanced […]

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An Opening Address by Satan at the Convention of Phantoms and Demons – Anonymous

Satan called a worldwide convention of Phantoms and Demons.                   In his opening address he said: “We can’t keep humans from going to their fellowships and religions. We can’t keep them from reading the their scriptures and learning the truth We can’t even keep them from forming […]

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Today we have entered what is regarded as the Easter Week with the coming Friday known throughout Christendom as Good Friday; it is the Friday before Easter. Good Friday and Easter Sunday are regarded as the most important days of Christendom, by virtue of the events that mark the days, i. e. the crucifixion and death on the cross of our […]

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“I Am Alive”, Prince Tony Momoh Speaks From The Beyond by Sule Ahmed Oyofo

I have been extremely close to Prince Tony Momoh who doubled as my spiritual and mental godfather to lose sleep as to his whereabouts. Presently, I know there is a lot of grief and wailing about his “sudden” departure and burial at just 81 years of age. But to tell you the truth, my relationship […]

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