Use Music to Control Blood Pressure, Treat Heart-Related Disorders, Stress and Depression

Music has proven time and again to be an important component of human culture. From its ceremonial origin to modern medical usage for personal motivation, concentration, and shifting mood, music is a powerful balm for the human soul. Though traditional “music therapy” encompasses a specific set of practices, the broader use of music as a […]

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Frankincense Found to Outperform Chemo in Killing Ovarian Cancer Cells

Many individuals don’t know more about frankincense than the story of three Magi bringing it as a gift on the day of Jesus Christ’s birth. The strong-smelling plant resin is often used today as an incense, but recent research shows it could have a far more significant value. In fact, a chemical compound in the resin […]

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Drink Coconut Water Every Day To Balance Blood Sugar Levels, And Much More

The coconut nut is used in various ways, such as food and drink, as a supplement to dishes and sweets, in cosmetics, but also as a medicine. Coconut is easily digested and rich in numerous vitamins and minerals, and part of its nutrition lies in the fact that it contains fatty acids that successfully fight […]

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Increase Blood Platelets, Kill Cancer, Heal Ulcers And Reverse Diabetes With Papaya Leaf Juice

It is well known that Christopher Columbus called papal “angelic fruit”. This orange-like berry-like fruit draws from southern Mexico and Central America but succeeds in most tropical areas. Papaya is most commonly used for making juices and in addition to salads or desserts. It has certain medicinal properties due to its rich nutritional composition, and […]

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SWEET POISON: How Wrong Food Combination Are Killing Nigerians by Dr (Mrs) Lopsam

*Wrong Food Combination:* The source of many Diseases and the Reason why Diseases refused To Go Away. If You want to enjoy Good Health Please Study Proper Food Combination. *Why?* 👉Because when Food is properly combined, every Organ in the Body Enjoys. However, if Food Is wrongly combined, All Health abnormalities arise. The Liver suffers […]

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Be Careful With Food From China, They Are Filled With Plastic, Pesticides, and Cancer-Causing Chemicals

In my humble opinion food from China is some of the worst food you can get on the planet. As I have mentioned, China produces more pesticides than any other country in the world, meaning your food is most likely to be laced with pesticides. It is one of the most polluted regions in the […]

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Are You Having Difficulties Falling Asleep? New Research Provides Answer

    People with insomnia struggle to get a good night’s rest and wonder how to sleep better. They may be plagued by trouble falling asleep, unwelcome awakenings during the night, or fitful sleep — alone or in combination. They may feel drowsy during the day and yet be unable to nap. Insomnia can leave […]

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